Project Portfolio

Kalman Filter and RxInfer for Structural Dynamics

Implementing an AKF in Julia and RxInfer for Structural Dyanmics analysis.

Bayesian Classification and Survival Analysis with NumPyro

Applying Bayesian Classification and Survival Analysis to the Cirrhosis Patient Dataset.

Bayesian Linear Regression with PyMC

Learn the basics of Bayesian linear regression using the excellent PyMC Probabilistic Programming package. This focuses on model formulation in PyMC, interpretation, and how to make predictions on out-of-sample data.

Transfer Learning Classifier Again... with Julia!

Replicating the cat mood classifier, this time using Julia and Flux.jl.

Transfer Learning Classifier Using PyTorch

Things we learn here include image data exploration, transfer learning, custom datasets, comparing ML models, saving/loading models and model data, conditional setup for different work environments.

Election Data Dashboard Pt. 1: Collection and Cleaning

In this project, election data is collected, explored and cleaned. Visualization functions are refactored to be used on a dashboard later on.