State and Input Estimation with RxInfer
In this example, we estimate system states and unknown input forces for a simple structural dynamical system using the Augmented Kalman Filter (AKF) in RxInfer.
The system can be described using a state-space model: $$ x[k+1] \sim \mathcal{N}(A x[k] + B p[k], Q), $$ $$ y[k] \sim \mathcal{N}(G x[k] + J p[k], R), $$ where $ x[k] $ are the states, $ p[k] $ are the unknown inputs, and $ y[k] $ are noisy measurements.
We simulate the system, generate synthetic observations, and estimate the states and inputs using RxInfer.jl.
Data Environment
We start by constructing a StructuralModelData
data structure that stores all relevant information for the structural dynamics model and its simulation environment. This data structure organizes the system’s properties, simulation parameters, and results for easy access and manipulation later on by RxInfer
. It will later become clear what each field means!
using LinearAlgebra, Statistics, Random, Plots
# define a data structure for the structural model environment
struct StructuralModelData
t::Union{Nothing, Any} # expects StepRangeLen
ndof::Union{Nothing, Int64}
nf::Union{Nothing, Int64}
N_data::Union{Nothing, Int64}
y_meas::Union{Nothing, Vector{Vector{Float64}}}
A_aug::Union{Nothing, Matrix{Float64}}
G_aug::Union{Nothing, Matrix{Float64}}
G_aug_fullfield::Union{Nothing, Matrix{Float64}}
Q_akf::Union{Nothing, Matrix{Float64}}
R::Union{Nothing, LinearAlgebra.Diagonal{Float64, Vector{Float64}}}
x_real::Union{Nothing, Matrix{Float64}}
y_real::Union{Nothing, Matrix{Float64}}
p_real::Union{Nothing, Matrix{Float64}}
The dynamics of a structural system are governed by its mass ($ M $), stiffness ($ K $), and damping ($ C $) matrices, leading to the equation of motion:
$$ M \ddot{x}(t) + C \dot{x}(t) + K x(t) = p(t), $$
where $ x(t) $ represents the displacements at each degree of freedom, and $ (t) $ is the external force applied to the system.
For this example, we consider a simplified 4-floor shear building model with 4 degrees of freedom (DOF). This toy model captures the essential dynamics of a multi-story structure while remaining computationally manageable. The system matrices are defined as follows:
- $ M $ is the diagonal mass matrix representing the lumped masses at each floor,
- $ K $ is the tridiagonal stiffness matrix representing inter-floor lateral stiffness, and
- $ C $ is the proportional damping matrix reflecting energy dissipation.
The structural system is depicted below:
# define the structural system matrices
struct StructuralMatrices
M::Union{Nothing, Matrix{Float64}}
K::Union{Nothing, Matrix{Float64}}
C::Union{Nothing, Matrix{Float64}}
M = I(4)
K = [
2 -1 0 0;
-1 2 -1 0;
0 -1 2 -1;
0 0 -1 1
] * 1e3
C = [
2 -1 0 0;
-1 2 -1 0;
0 -1 2 -1;
0 0 -1 1
StructuralModel = StructuralMatrices(M, K, C);
Constructing the State-Space Model
We convert the structural system into its discrete-time state-space form for numerical simulation. Starting from the equation of motion:
$$ M \ddot{x}(t) + C \dot{x}(t) + K x(t) = F(t), $$
we introduce the state variable:
\[ z(t) = \begin{bmatrix} x(t) \\ \dot{x}(t) \end{bmatrix}, \]
which allows us to express the system as: $$ \dot{z}(t) = A_{\text{c}} z(t) + B_{\text{c}} p(t), $$ where: \[ A_{\text{c}} = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & I \\ -(M^{-1} K) & -(M^{-1} C) \end{bmatrix} \] \[ B_{\text{c}} = \begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ M^{-1} S_p \end{bmatrix} \]
- $ S_p $ is the input selection matrix that determines where the external forces $ p(t) $ are applied.
To perform simulations, the system is discretized using a time step $ \Delta t $ as: $$ z[k+1] = A z[k] + B p[k], $$ where:
- $ A = e^{A_{\text{c}} \Delta t} $ is the state transition matrix.
- $ B = (A - I) A_{\text{c}}^{-1} B_{\text{c}} $ is the input matrix, obtained by integrating the continuous-time system.
This state-space representation forms the basis for propagating the system states during simulation.
# function to construct the state space model
function construct_ssm(StructuralModel,dt, ndof, nf)
# unpack the structural model
M = StructuralModel.M
K = StructuralModel.K
C = StructuralModel.C
Sp = zeros(ndof, nf)
Sp[4, 1] = 1
Z = zeros(ndof, ndof)
Id = I(ndof)
A_continuous = [Z Id;
-(M \ K) -(M \ C)]
B_continuous = [Z; Id \ M] * Sp
A = exp(dt * A_continuous)
B = (A - I(2*ndof)) * A_continuous \ B_continuous
return A, B, Sp
construct_ssm (generic function with 1 method)
Generating Input Forces
External forces $ p[k] $ acting on the system are modeled as Gaussian white noise:
$$ p[k] \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu, \sigma^2), $$ where $ \mu $ is the mean and $ \sigma $ controls the intensity of the force.
In this example, the inputs are generated independently at each time step $ k $ and across input channels to simulate random excitations, such as wind or seismic forces.
# function to generate random input noise
function generate_input(N_data::Int, nf::Int; input_mu::Float64, input_std::Float64)
p_real = input_mu .+ randn(N_data, nf) .* input_std
return p_real
generate_input (generic function with 1 method)
Observation Model
System responses, such as accelerations, are often measured at specific locations using sensors. The measurements are simulated using the equation:
$$ y[k] = G x[k] + J p[k] + v[k], $$ where:
- $ G $ maps the system states $ x[k] $ to measured outputs.
- $ J $ maps the input forces $ p[k] $ to the measurements.
- $ v[k] \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma_y^2 I) $ is Gaussian noise representing sensor inaccuracies.
The noise variance $ \sigma_y^2 $ is chosen as a fraction of the true system response variance for realism.
In this example, accelerations are measured at selected degrees of freedom (e.g., nodes 1 and 4).
# function to generate the measurements and noise
function generate_measurements(ndof, na, nv, nd, N_data, x_real, y_real, p_real, StructuralModel, Sp)
# unpack the structural model
M = StructuralModel.M
K = StructuralModel.K
C = StructuralModel.C
Sa = zeros(na, ndof) # selection matrix
Sa[1, 1] = 1 # acceleration at node 1
Sa[2, 4] = 1 # acceleration at node 4
G = Sa * [-(M \ K) -(M \ C)]
J = Sa * (I \ M) * Sp
ry = Statistics.var(y_real[2*ndof+1, :], ) * (0.1^2) # simulate noise as 1% RMS of the noise-free acceleration response
nm = na + nv + nd
R = I(nm) .* ry
y_meas = zeros(nm, N_data)
y_noise = sqrt(ry) .* randn(nm, N_data)
# reconstruct the measurements
y_meas = Vector{Vector{Float64}}(undef, N_data)
for i in 1:N_data
y_meas[i] = G * x_real[:, i] + J * p_real[i, :] + y_noise[:, i]
return y_meas, G, J, R
generate_measurements (generic function with 1 method)
Simulating the Structural Response
The structural response under applied forces is governed by the state-space equations:
\[ \begin{aligned} x[k+1] & = A x[k] + B p[k], \\ y[k] & = G_{\text{full}} x[k] + J_{\text{full}} p[k], \end{aligned} \]
where $ x[k] $ are the system states, $ p[k] $ are the input forces, and $ y[k] $ are the full-field responses, i.e., the response at every degree of freedom in our structure.
The function below returns:
- True States: $ x_{\text{real}} $, propagated using $ A $ and $ B $.
- Full-Field Responses: $ y_{\text{real}} $, incorporating both states and inputs.
- Input Forces: $ p_{\text{real}} $, generated as stochastic excitations.
- Response Matrices: $ G_{\text{full}} $ (state-to-response) and $ J_{\text{full}} $ (input-to-response).
These outputs simulate the physical behavior of the system and serve as the basis for inference. We keep the matrices because they will be used later when analyzing our results.
# function to simulate the structural response
function simulate_response(A, B, StructuralModel, Sp, nf, ndof, N_data)
# unpack the structural model
M = StructuralModel.M
K = StructuralModel.K
C = StructuralModel.C
p_real = generate_input(N_data, nf, input_mu = 0.0, input_std = 0.05)
Z = zeros(ndof, ndof)
Id = I(ndof)
G_full = [
Id Z;
Z Id;
-(M \ K) -(M \ C)
J_full = [
Id \ M
] * Sp
# preallocate matrices
x_real = zeros(2 * ndof, N_data)
y_real = zeros(3 * ndof, N_data)
for i in 2:N_data
x_real[:, i] = A * x_real[:, i-1] + B * p_real[i-1, :]
y_real[:, i] = G_full * x_real[:, i-1] + J_full * p_real[i-1, :]
return x_real, y_real, p_real, G_full, J_full
simulate_response (generic function with 1 method)
Augmented State-Space Model
In structural health monitoring, external input forces $ p[k] $ acting on a structure, such as environmental loads or unknown excitations, are often not directly measurable. To estimate both the system states $ x[k] $ and these unknown input forces, we augment the state vector as follows:
\[ \tilde{x}[k] = \begin{bmatrix} x[k] \\ p[k] \end{bmatrix}. \]
This approach allows us to simultaneously infer the internal system states (e.g., displacements and velocities) and the unknown inputs using available measurements.
The augmented system dynamics are then expressed as:
\[ \begin{aligned} \tilde{x}[k+1] & = A_{\text{aug}} \tilde{x}[k] + w[k], \\ y[k] & = G_{\text{aug}} \tilde{x}[k] + v[k], \end{aligned} \]
- $ A_{\text{aug}} $: Augmented state transition matrix.
- $ G_{\text{aug}} $: Augmented measurement matrix.
- $ Q_{\text{akf}} $: Augmented process noise covariance, capturing uncertainties in both states and inputs.
- $ w[k] $, $ v[k] $: Process and measurement noise.
Full-Field vs. Measurement Space
To avoid confusion, we define two augmented measurement matrices:
- $ G_{\text{aug}} $: Projects the augmented state vector $ \tilde{x}[k] $ to the observed sensor measurements (e.g., accelerations at specific nodes).
- $ G^* $: The augmented full-field measurement matrix, which projects the augmented state vector to the full-field system response. This includes all degrees of freedom (displacements, velocities, and accelerations).
The distinction is critical:
- $ G_{\text{aug}} $ is used directly in the smoother to estimate states and inputs from limited measurements.
- $ G^* $ is used later to reconstruct the full response field for visualization and validation.
For clarity, we will refer to the augmented full-field matrix as $ G^* $ throughout the rest of this example, whereas, in the code, this will be the G_aug_fullfield
Noise Covariances
In this step, the process and measurement noise covariances are assumed to be known or pre-calibrated. For example:
- The input force uncertainty $ Q_p $ is set to a high value to reflect significant variability.
- State noise covariance $ Q_x $ is chosen to reflect minimal uncertainty in the model.
The augmented noise covariance matrix $ Q_{\text{akf}} $ combines these quantities:
\[ Q_{\text{akf}} = \begin{bmatrix} Q_x & 0 \\ 0 & Q_p \end{bmatrix}. \]
# function to construct the augmented model
function construct_augmented_model(A, B, G, J, G_full, J_full, nf, ndof)
Z_aug = zeros(nf, 2*ndof)
A_aug = [
A B;
Z_aug I(nf)
G_aug = [G J]
G_aug_fullfield = [G_full J_full] # full-field augmented matrix
Qp_aug = I(nf) * 1e-2 # assumed known or pre-callibrated
Qx_aug = zeros(2*ndof, 2*ndof)
Qx_aug[(ndof+1):end, (ndof+1):end] = I(ndof) * 1e-1 # assumed known or pre-callibrated
Q_akf = [
Qx_aug Z_aug';
Z_aug Qp_aug
return A_aug, G_aug, Q_akf, G_aug_fullfield
construct_augmented_model (generic function with 1 method)
Finally, we combine all the key steps into a single workflow to generate the system dynamics, responses, measurements, and the augmented state-space model.
The results are stored in a StructuralModelData
object for convenient access:
function get_structural_model(StructuralModel, simulation_time, dt)
# intialize
ndof = size(StructuralModel.M)[1] # number of degrees of freedom
nf = 1 # number of inputs
na, nv, nd = 2, 0, 0 # number of oberved accelerations, velocities, and displacements
N_data = Int(simulation_time / dt) + 1
t = range(0, stop=simulation_time, length=N_data)
# construct state-space model from structural matrices
A, B, Sp = construct_ssm(StructuralModel, dt, ndof, nf)
# Generate input and simulate response
x_real, y_real, p_real, G_full, J_full = simulate_response(A, B, StructuralModel, Sp, nf, ndof, N_data)
# Generate measurements
y_meas, G, J, R = generate_measurements(ndof, na, nv, nd, N_data, x_real, y_real, p_real, StructuralModel, Sp)
# Construct augmented model
A_aug, G_aug, Q_akf, G_aug_fullfield = construct_augmented_model(A, B, G, J, G_full, J_full, nf, ndof)
return StructuralModelData(t, ndof, nf, N_data, y_meas, A_aug, G_aug, G_aug_fullfield, Q_akf, R, x_real, y_real, p_real)
get_structural_model (generic function with 1 method)
We define the simulation time and time step, then run the workflow to generate the structural model:
simulation_time = 5.0
dt = 0.001
model_data = get_structural_model(StructuralModel, simulation_time, dt);
State and Input Estimation with RxInfer
In this section, we use RxInfer to estimate the system states and unknown input forces from the simulated noisy measurements using the Augmented State Space Model discussed.
using RxInfer
Defining the AKF Smoother Model
Here, we define our Augmented Kalman Filter (AKF) smoother using RxInfer. This probabilistic model estimates the system states and unknown input forces based on the measurements.
- State Prior: We start with a prior belief about the initial state,
. - State Transition: At each time step, the system state evolves based on the transition matrix $ A $ and process noise covariance $ Q $: $$ x[k] \sim \mathcal{N}(A x[k-1], Q). $$
- Measurements: The observations (sensor data) are modeled as noisy measurements of the states: $$ y[k] \sim \mathcal{N}(G x[k], R), $$ where $ G $ maps the states to the measurements, and $ R $ is the measurement noise covariance.
@model function smoother_model(y, x0, A, G, Q, R)
x_prior ~ x0
x_prev = x_prior # initialize previous state with x_prior
for i in 1:length(y)
x[i] ~ MvNormalMeanCovariance(A * x_prev, Q)
y[i] ~ MvNormalMeanCovariance(G * x[i], R)
x_prev = x[i]
Running the AKF Smoother
Now that we have our system set up, it’s time to estimate the system states and unknown input forces using RxInfer. We’ll run the Augmented Kalman Filter (AKF) smoother to make sense of the noisy measurements.
Here’s the game plan:
Unpack the Data:
We grab everything we need from themodel_data
object – time, matrices, measurements, and noise covariances.Set the Initial State:
We start with a prior belief about the first state, assuming it’s zero with some process noise:
$$ x_0 \sim \mathcal{N}(0, Q_{\text{akf}}). $$Run the Smoother:
We define a helper function to keep things tidy. This function calls RxInfer’sinfer
method, which does the heavy lifting for us.Extract and Reconstruct:
- RxInfer gives us state marginals, which are the posterior estimates of the states.
- Using a helper function, we reconstruct the full-field responses (displacements, velocities, and accelerations).
- We also extract the estimated input forces, which are part of the augmented state.
That’s it! With just a few lines of code, RxInfer takes care of the math behind the scenes and delivers smooth, reliable estimates of what’s happening inside the system.
# let's wrap the results in a struct
struct InferenceResults
function run_smoother(model_data)
# unpack the model data
t = model_data.t;
N_data = model_data.N_data
A_aug = model_data.A_aug;
G_aug = model_data.G_aug;
G_aug_fullfield = model_data.G_aug_fullfield;
Q_akf = model_data.Q_akf;
R = model_data.R;
y_meas = model_data.y_meas;
# initialize the state - required when doing smoothing
x0 = MvNormalMeanCovariance(zeros(size(A_aug, 1)), Q_akf);
# define the smoother engine
function smoother_engine(y_meas, A, G, Q, R)
# run the akf smoother
result_smoother = infer(
model = smoother_model(x0 = x0, A = A, G = G, Q = Q, R = R),
data = (y = y_meas,),
options = (limit_stack_depth = 500, )
# return posteriors as this inference task returns the results as posteriors
# because inference is done over the full graph
return result_smoother.posteriors[:x]
# get the marginals of x
state_marginals = smoother_engine(y_meas, A_aug, G_aug, Q_akf, R)
# reconstructing the full-field response:
# use helper function to reconstruct the full-field response
y_full_means, y_full_stds = reconstruct_full_field(state_marginals, G_aug_fullfield, N_data)
# extract the estimated input (input modeled as an augmentation state)
p_results_means = getindex.(mean.(state_marginals), length(state_marginals[1]))
p_results_stds = getindex.(std.(state_marginals), length(state_marginals[1]))
return InferenceResults(state_marginals, y_full_means, y_full_stds, p_results_means, p_results_stds)
run_smoother (generic function with 1 method)
Mapping States to Full-Field Responses
In the run_smoother
function, we used a helper function to map the state estimates from the AKF smoother back to the full-field responses (e.g., displacements, velocities, and accelerations).
Why is this important?
While the smoother estimates the system states, we often care about physical quantities like accelerations or displacements across the entire structure.
Using the augmented full-field matrix $ G^* $, we compute:
- Response means from state means:
$$ \mu_y[i] = G^* \mu_x[i]. $$ - Response uncertainties from state covariances:
$$ \sigma_y[i] = \sqrt{\text{diag}(G^* \Sigma_x[i] {G^*}^\top)}. $$
This gives us both the expected responses and their uncertainties at each time step.
In other words, this function connects the smoother’s internal state estimates to meaningful, physical quantities, making it easy to visualize the system’s behavior.
# helper function to reconstruct the full field response from the state posteriors
function reconstruct_full_field(
# preallocate the full field response
y_means = Vector{Vector{Float64}}(undef, N_data) # vector of vectors
y_stds = Vector{Vector{Float64}}(undef, N_data)
# reconstruct the full-field response using G_aug_fullfield
for i in 1:N_data
# extract the mean and covariance of the state posterior
state_mean = mean(x_marginals[i]) # each index is a vector
state_cov = cov(x_marginals[i])
# project mean and covariance onto the full-field response space
y_means[i] = G_aug_fullfield * state_mean
y_stds[i] = sqrt.(diag(G_aug_fullfield * state_cov * G_aug_fullfield'))
return y_means, y_stds
reconstruct_full_field (generic function with 1 method)
We now run the AKF smoother using the structural model data to estimate the system states, reconstruct the full-field responses, and extract the input forces along with their uncertainties.
Let’s fire up that RxInfer!
# run the smoother
smoother_results = run_smoother(model_data);
To better understand the results, we use two helper functions to create interactive PlotlyBase using PlotlyBase:
We first write a helper function and then plot the true states, full-field response, input, their estimates, and the associated uncertainty:
# helper function
function plot_with_uncertainty(
plot_size = (700,300),
# plot true values
plt = plot(
label="true ($label_suffix)",
left_margin =,
top_margin =,
bottom_margin =
# plot estimated values with uncertainty ribbon
label="estimated ($label_suffix)",
# add labels and title
xlabel!("time (s)")
return plt
plot_with_uncertainty (generic function with 2 methods)
# select some DOFs to plot
ndof = size(StructuralModel.M)[1]
display_state_dof = 4 # dof 1:4 displacements, dof 5:8 velocities
display_response_dof = 2*ndof + 1 # dof 1:4 displacements, dof 5:8 velocities, dof 9:12 accelerations
display_input_dof = 1 # the only one really
# plot the states
state_plot = plot_with_uncertainty(
model_data.x_real[display_state_dof, :],
getindex.(mean.(smoother_results.state_marginals), display_state_dof),
getindex.(std.(smoother_results.state_marginals), display_state_dof),
"state value",
"state estimate (dof $(display_state_dof))",
"state dof $(display_state_dof)"
# plot the responses
response_plot = plot_with_uncertainty(
model_data.y_real[display_response_dof, :],
getindex.(smoother_results.y_full_means, display_response_dof),
getindex.(smoother_results.y_full_stds, display_response_dof),
"response value",
"reconstructed response (dof $(display_response_dof))",
"response dof $(display_response_dof)"
# plot the inputs
input_plot = plot_with_uncertainty(
model_data.p_real[:, display_input_dof],
"force value",
"input estimate (applied at dof $(display_input_dof))",
"input force $(display_input_dof)"
Let’s quickly go over these results now:
- State estimation: The true state and the estimated state show excellent agreement, demonstrating the accuracy of the smoother model implemented via
. The uncertainty bounds around the estimated states are noticeable, especially early in the domain. This reflects the natural uncertainty in state estimation since only accelerations are observed, whereas displacements and velocities are inferred through integration. - Reconstructed response: the real response and the reconstructed response align well across the domain, confirming that the filter captures the dynamics quite nicely. The uncertainty bounds here are narrower, showing that the confidence improves as the filter incorporates observations of these quantities of interest (i.e. accelerations).
- Input force reconstruction: The input force and its reconstructed counterpart show significant high frequency variations with very narrow uncertainty bounds. This is expected because accelerations, being the directly observed quantities, are estimated with higher confidence. Plus, we gave ourselves a small advantage by using a well-calibrated prior on this quantity of interest ($Q_p$).
The results demonstrate how well the smoother model, implemented with RxInfer, performs in capturing the system dynamics and reconstructing hidden states and inputs. Notably, setting up the probabilistic model was straightforward and intuitive—much easier than dealing with the rest of the structural modeling! This highlights the power of RxInfer for quickly building and solving complex inference problems while keeping the implementation clean and efficient.
With just a few lines of code, we were able to estimate states, reconstruct responses, and confidently quantify uncertainties—a win for both accuracy and usability. 🚀